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CDC Studio

Coppice Park

More housing developments should look like this. Clusters of homes settle into a lush landscape, rotating arrangements and permeable . boundaries providing privacy within a communal site.
View from shared space showing two trees and house in the center, by CDC studio
Alternative angle concept showing many residents in a communal green, by CDC studio
Housing around a shared landscape

Communal living, set in a lush landscape of meadows & trees. Here people can be in nature. Children can play in a secure environment, safely away from vehicular movement, with shared landscape allowing communal activities to happen ad hoc.

Traditional car-centric model of housing with little to no communal space, by CDC studio
Traditional Housing Model / Housing layout optimised for vehicles, which are prominent and part of the visual character. Linear frontage to houses and standardised roof and wall materials.
New model concept fostering community interaction with shared green space while excluding cars to peripherals, by CDC studio
Community centered model / Exclusion of cars to the periphery promotes safety and a better-quality landscape around dwellings. Arrangement of dwellings allows immediate connection to the landscape. Shared landscape encourages community use, with discreet private areas.
The existing site
Thrapston Road
Aerial view of new housing site
map showing surrounding area and new site
Aerial location

The Brief asked for a development with a unique character, a strong emphasis on community and generous communal spaces. The design was to provide a sense of arrival and identity, a gated community without the gates, for a target market of 25-35 year olds with families.

This Land
Concept art showing positioning of new houses on the site, as well as green spaces and tree positions, by CDC studio
A landscaped first approach, creating a green oasis.Working collaboratively with the landscape architect Farrer Huxley, the design aims to provide a community focussed development, with wellbeing and quality of commual space a key aspiration. Each house has a green outlook and feels part of the landscape. The house plots are defined by design and not road access.
Inspiration for coppice park project, traditional barn clusters with a modern twist.
Housing concept using same material for roof and walls, CDC studio
Warehouse with same materials
Concept art by CDC studio for creating private spaces via building placement, inspired by traditional barn cluster
Inspiration - Traditional barn cluster
Aerial rendering of future building site showcasing the landscape and variance in cladding, by CDC studio
A mix of cladding and roof materials that provide interest and variety.
Pin-wheel concept by CDC studio for creation of private spaces in conjunction with communal green landscaping on the new site at Coppice park
To enhance the green oasis concept, clusters of houses were proposed in a pin-wheel arrangement. This enabled the dwellings to have their own identity, entrance path, aspect and private amenity spaces. It provides a balance between privacy and connectivness to the landscape.
Concept art showing directionality created by housing cluster positioning, by CDC studio
Architectural concept for loop road to keep cars on the periphery of the site while still connecting the community.
The cluster arrangement of the houses increase privacy and a connection with nature

The cluster arrangement provided clear benefits to both the inhabitants and the neighbouring dwellings. As one moves through site, foreground and background create a collage of simple layered forms. Oblique views deter overlooking and offer wide angled views out into the landscape from dual aspects. Light and shadow cast in unique and interesting ways, each dwelling receiving sunlight at different points in the day. Trees can be selectively planted to create vistas, privacy, depth and texture to the entire site. Permeability between living space and green space with dual aspect gardens bordered with foliage.

Rendering of a single housing cluster, showcasing non-linear housing and private/public sections.
The housing arrangement is non linear, with the patio and garden private and not overlooked by the adjacent neighbour

....each dwelling faces the green oasis, and has a private external area....

Aerial overview of the site with ring road and housing
SITE OVERVIEW / The landscape-driven design had led to a generous green space, combining play, recreation, walks and ecology. The house design and material palette has been chosen to coincide with the landscape, where materials will reflect the change in seasons, and mature with age without regular ongoing maintenance.
Second photo of new housing from green landscape perspective
View from inner green space at Coppice park new housing site
Another angle showing private gardens inside the communal green spaces
Alternative angle concept showing many residents in a communal green, by CDC studio
View showing outdoor spaces and new housing cluster with different cladding and roofing.
Coppice park all materials showcase for new housing project

The cladding and roof materials of the dwellings are selected from 5no materials. The concept is for each dwelling to have a matching wall and roof colour and material.

Exploded axonometric of the site
Exploded axonometric of the site
Concept for five different housing modules specifying measurements, by CDC studio
Location plan for new housing site with other houses in the area marked, by CDC studio
Detailed site plan showing measurements and positioning for each housing cluster, by CDC studio
Location plan
Early landscape plan for positioning of housing clusters
Early concept sketch
Development site sketch
  • Client

    This Land
  • Location

    Brampton, Cambridgeshire
  • Budget

  • Design Team

    Farrer Huxley
  • Team

    Robin Dryer, Mark Clarke, Delphine Dryer, James Howells, Ting Khu, Ana Pratas, Ciara Fitzpatrick
  • Images

    Farrer Huxley
    CDC Studio